Daily Archives: February 21, 2011

Another Cache-Less Weekend, but….

Despite the gorgeous weather we had on Saturday, and the cloudy-but-still-nice weather we had today, I restrained myself from geocaching all weekend. (Gasp!) Yesterday, I folded & put away oodles of laundry and did the grocery shopping.ย  Today was church, then visit GeoTeen2, then come home and do dishes & dinner, and then dishes again.ย  Then, of course, there was the obligatory ten minutes before bedtime emergency homework project the littlest GeoKid forgot ALL about till JUST THEN…. ***rolling eyes*** So… yeah.ย  Here I am, not a cache found anywhere.

But…here’s where the good news comes in. ๐Ÿ˜€ Tomorrow is President’s Day.ย  School is IN tomorrow…a makeup day for the gazillion and one snowdays we had recently.ย  Hubby is working as usual. And me? Well, golly gee… my office, for some crazy reason (God bless them!!!!) decided that we’d be CLOSED tomorrow for President’s Day.ย  And, even rarer still…there is no crazy pressing deadline that is necessitating my presence in the office on the aforementioned official holiday. ๐Ÿ˜€ So… yeah.ย  Me, left to myself. No kids, no spouse, just me, the dog and the cats. ๐Ÿ˜€ WOOT!ย  So, in anticipation of this brief and exceedingly rare Window of Almost-Complete Freedom… I played at being a grown up all weekend and got a buncha stuff done.

So… Monday…tomorrow…. I’M ESCAPING!!!!!!! I mean, I’ll come BACK and all at the end of the day, but, you know, for a few hours there… I’m making a break for it!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ย  I’ve plotted out some caches I want to find in gorgeous Madison, Georgia – a town I’ve always WANTED to visit, but never have.ย  It has a ton of antebellum homes and such…legend has it that Madison was the town that was so beautiful, Gen. William T. Sherman refused to burn it down on his infamous March to the Sea.ย  One of the caches I’m hunting for is in a Civil-War era graveyard… you know how much I love history and old stuff, so I am soooooooooooooooo excited about the chance to finally explore this town.ย  It’s not too far from us – actually same distance or even a little closer than my office is to home, so… it’s easily doable. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Then, once I’m done in Madison, my GOAL is to head the opposite direction down to Stone Mountain Park.ย  There are oodles of caches hidden there, too, with a little more physical effort required to reach them.ย  I’ve wanted to do these for a while, as well, but as they are a bit more physically challenging than the ones I usually do, I wanted to wait until a day the GeoTeens were with me, or a day when I otherwise didn’t have the little kidlets with me.ย  I don’t know if I’ll be able to do many – or even ANY – of the Stone Mountain ones, but what the heck… it’s a goal, I’ll aim for it. ๐Ÿ˜€

My plan is to head directly to Madison after dropping off the little kids for school.ย  This will be really early in the day and traffic should be a breeze (everyone is going TO Atlanta, not AWAY from it like I will be), so I’m HOPING I can be done there and in Stone Mountain by like 1 or 1:30. …find one or two caches there atย  Stone Mountain, then back to the daycare by 5 or 6 at the latest to pick up the littlest GeoKids… just like on a “normal” Monday.

I know I could stay home and sleep instead.ย  Or, if I wanted to be a real grownup, I know there are still plenty of chores here I could be doing.ย  But….

naaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

That’s why I stayed home all weekend (aside from visiting GeoTeen2 in juvie)…so I could get enough stuff done & taken care of so that I could ESCAPE tomorrow with a clear conscience. ๐Ÿ˜€ย  And, happily, I now have a camera to tote along to get pics of all my adventures, since, as you know, hubby very kindly got me one for valentine’s day. ย  Woot! ๐Ÿ˜€

I think this is very possibly the first time EVER I’ve actually LOOKED FORWARD to a MONDAY! Scary! LOL

Have a great night, y’all!!!! Adventure stories to follow….. ๐Ÿ™‚